Success Stories

Did you know kids can lose 9 months of learning in 2 months of summer vacation?


Give your kids a fighting chance at Young Excellence Society Summer Program.


On June 19th, 2017 Young Excellence Society Inc. Started its first summer camp session in Harlem New York. Servicing our youth between the ages of 5-14 years old. 

During our 9 weeks of summer campers explored all 5 boroughs, visiting landmarks, on & off broadway plays,museums, parks and all our city has to offer.

While  not taking our eyes off of our organizations goal, students worked daily on academics to remain sharp and retain all they learned through the school year.

Our highly trained staff worked extremely hard with each child to ensure their educational needs were met.


“It's important to keep children thinking, even when its summer. Why work so hard all school year to lose it all over summer vacation?.”

— Lanise & Janine


This program gave him the confidence he needed.


. This story coming soon


She's reading now.


Storying will be loaded soon
